Tamaki Regeneration

Tamaki / Strategic Development advice, urban regeneration / $7.5BN / 10,000 houses / 2012 - 2016

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The regeneration of Tamaki is the largest residential led urban regeneration project in New Zealand. The project will see the construction of over 10,000 new homes on land housing approximately 2,800 state houses over the next 25 years. It is one of the first projects of its nature in New Zealand with an aspiration to provide genuine mixed tenure, urban development.

DASL were appointed in 2012 to act as the strategic development advisor for the crown entity Tamaki Regeneration Company. DASL’s role included identifying potential sites for development, providing financial and feasibility advice, advising on housing tenures, programming, liaising with key stakeholders such as Council/Utility providers, programming and rehousing strategies for occupiers of potential development sites. A key element of our role was to act as the lead development advisor in the master planning and production of the Tamaki Implementation Plan. The document set out the vision and way forward for the 25 year project worth at 2013 values $7.5bn. The competed document was accepted by the TRC board and key stakeholder Central Government and Auckland Council and now forms the basis of the regeneration of Tamaki.

The largest urban transformation project in New Zealand, creating a thriving, attractive, sustainable and self-reliant community
— Tamaki Regeneration