Glen Innes / RESIDENTIAL / 10 HECTARES / $300m / 400+ houses / 2014 - ongoing
The Fenchurch Neighbourhood was identified as one of the first large scale area based development projects in the Tamaki Implementation Plan. Consisting of 12 stages across 10 hectares of land owned by Housing New Zealand the project would see the demolition of over 100 state houses and the construction of over 400 new homes. This project is the first truly mixed tenure urban regeneration development to occur in Auckland with state, affordable and private housing occupiers all moving into the new homes. An incredibly complex project involving multiple stakeholders, existing occupiers, mixed tenure development, outdated infrastructure and significant political and media interest both locally and nationally.
Following a number of false starts DASL were appointed to lead the project in 2014. During this period DASL undertook the complete master planning of all 12 stage’s to include over 400 new homes across terraces, zero lot, standalone and apartment’s, two new parks, new linkages, roads, infrastructure and retail were all included in the masterplan. DASL’s role covered the entire spectrum including design, consenting, financial analysis, value management, negotiations with developers and contractors, tendering, cost management, project management, managing construction, public consultation, briefing stakeholders including cabinet ministers and regular reporting.
“The Fenchurch neighbourhood project is one Auckland’s and New Zealand’s first true mixed tenure, Brownfield, urban regeneration projects.”