Beaumont Quarter
Auckland cbd / RESIDENTIAL / 2.4 HECTARES / $150m / 256 apartments / 2001 - 2007
Today, Beaumont Quarter is regarded as arguably the leading benchmark high density residential project in New Zealand that has received numerous awards. The result however was the direct effort of a developer with vision and a collaborative team approach that sought and obtained the support of Council. The wider project team consisted of many but included Pip Cheshire and Jasmax.
Developed over a 6 year time frame this project was a labour of love and while post occupancy reviews make reference to Urban Design protocols and urban design reviews, the fact remains that Beaumont Quarter was before all of these initiatives and was in fact a benchmark project.
Beaumont Quarter has 256 residential units which reflect a density of over 100 units per hectare. The project has 36 different designs by 4 different Architectural practices, 600 car parks, 3000m2 of office space, 1000m2 of retail and a boutique Quest hotel.
“The award-winning design is exceptional in both concept and execution.”