mt albert / RESIDENTIAL / 8100m2 / $36.4m / 40 terraced houses / 2015 - 2018
This Mount Albert site is owned by Housing New Zealand and has been cleared of the previous poorly designed, leaky apartments. The proposal for the site has been to redevelop the area by clearing the majority of trees and vegetation, creating 40 terraced homes, being a mix of 20 one bedroom social housing units and 20 four bedroom stand-alone or terraced houses, designed to be in keeping with the surrounding height and scale of neighboring
The Northern part of the site is occupied by large trees and forms a common park area. The redevelopment proposes to maintain a central park which the homes will wrap around. The existing park is characterized by basalt mounds and mature trees. These natural elements are to be retained within the design, and its character will resonate throughout the development.